Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Citation Dropped Against Kennesaw Pawn Shop

The Kennesaw Watch

Citation Dropped Against Kennesaw Pawn Shop By MYFOXATLANTA STAFF/myfoxatlanta

KENNESAW, Ga. - A Kennesaw pawn shop won a small victory from th...e city council on Monday.

The owners of Cruchelow Jewelry and Loan were cited for using the word loan in the store's name and signs. That's against state law.

The council dismissed the citation on technical grounds, but John and Serena Cruchelow have a bigger fight ahead.

Opponents of the pawnshop say it should never been allowed to open.

The city admits that it made a mistake when it gave the business a license. A public hearing will be held on May 3 to consider what the city can do about the pawnshop.
A final meeting on the business will be held May 7.