A final word on the Pawn Shop
Date: 3/26/2012 1:42:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Consumer2010@aol.com
To: mmathews@kennesaw-ga.gov, bthrash@kennesaw-ga.gov, cwelsh@kennesaw-ga.gov, bjenkins@kennesaw-ga.gov, jduckett@kennesaw-ga.gov, tkillingsworth@kennesaw-ga.gov, skennedy@kennesaw-ga.gov, dsimmons@kennesaw-ga.gov
I plan to attend the meeting this evening along with other interested area residents.
I do not know who will be there from the City so I am emailing this suggestion to all of you.
The issue is clear cut and 2 fold:
1) the Pawn Shop is there by virtue of deceit and trickery and the owners well knew it should not be in that strip mall.
2) the State of Georgia has established rules for Pawn Shops, one of them bans the use of the word 'Loan' for any pawn shop opened after 1992. The very title of their LLC is contrary to these regulations.*
In order to have a shorter meeting it might be worth just telling the attendees what the City of Kennesaw is going to do about the Pawn Shop problem.
I believe you can take as a given, that those attending want the pawn shop gone, so rather than listen to 30 people say pretty much the same thing, why not just tell us what you are going to do and we can all get out of there quickly.
Hopefully tonight, the word 'variance' isn't going to be used.
Bill Harris
Summer Stream, Kennesaw
*Georgia Code - Property - Title 44, Section 44-12-138
"(a)(1) . . . A pawnbroker shall not use the term 'loan' in any advertisements or in connection with any advertising of the business of the pawnbroker"