Testimony has now been given, under oath, subject to the penalties of perjury, to the City Council and City Attorney, by two people regarding the knowing deception of the Cruchelow's in obtaining a license to operate their Pawn Shop in the Mack Dobbs Point strip mall.
The information provided is to the effect that:
1) Strip Mall Owner Ventrui was not aware that the use of units 1 & 2 at his mall would be for the purposes of operating a Pawn Shop, that when Venturi personally informed them that the Pawn Shop was not permitted they claimed the usage had been disclosed in their City application and they then put up additional Pawn Shop worded sinage.
2) On numerous occasions the Cruchelows' made statements in the community indicating:
a) that they were aware that Pawn Shops were not allowed in that strip mall,
b) that they believed they had come up with a way to beat the system to get their Pawn Shop into that mall,
c) that they had outsmarted the City by getting the license in a location that prohibits such businesses.