With that in mind I did some research to find out if Mr Venturi still owned his Mars Hill strip mall in Acworth. He did and I set aside a Saturday afternoon (March 10th) to take a look and see if my idea might be possible.
(see email at this link: http://kennesawpawnproblems.blogspot.com/2012/04/blog-post_11.html)
A month later a City official mentioned in passing that my idea was not of interest to Mr. Venturi, no details given. I was sorry to hear this but by this time it had become known that the shop owners had gotten the license by trickery and deceit and were bragging about how they had gotten their shop into a mall where it was prohibited. Very shortly thereafter I learned that Mr. Venturi, despite his 2004 agreement, wanted to have the zoning changed again, to allow the shop to remain.
Reasonable alternatives were available from nearly the start of this matter but were not acceptable to the property owner.
I have absolutely no respect for either the shop owners, who got their license by trickery and deceit, nor for the property owner who it turns out is simply a two faced businessman with no regard for honor or integrity.
His word is just worthless as is that of his lawyer Gavis Sams.
That Pawn Shop must go.